At Chemie Tech, Quality is an integral part of our Corporate Business Principles. These principles guide our actions to deliver our solutions and services that are safe, compliant and preferred by our customers. They are essential for the achievement of our ambition to be recognized and trusted as the leading EPC Contractor.
We are committed to deliver technically challenging projects on time by adhering to highest standards of quality, health and safety. With continued improvement of our work processes, we ensure that the highest quality of service is delivered to our customers. We can be relied upon to deliver quality products and services “On Time, Every Time…”
Our commitment is to never compromise on the safety, compliance and quality of our solutions and services. This requires everybody to be engaged, to understand their responsibility in achieving our quality objectives and to be empowered to take action in order to protect our customers, vendors and employees.
At Chemie Tech, our Quality Policy summarizes the essential elements of our commitment for excellence and includes:
- Fostering a quality culture with the objective of developing and providing solutions and services with zero defects that are trusted and preferred by our consumers.
- Complying with relevant laws and regulations as well as internal requirements.
- Continuously challenging ourselves to improve the quality management system to guarantee Health & safety, prevent quality incidents and eliminate defects through the review of quality objectives and results.
- Encouraging participation and promotion of quality responsibilities amongst all employees and third parties through standards, education, training and coaching, supervision and effective communication.
- Operating under the disciplines and control of a Quality Management System conforming to ISO Standards.
- At Chemie Tech, teamwork, engagement, ownership and support by everyone are vital for achieving our quality objectives. In this context, we are committed to providing the required leadership, management and resources and we will ensure that Quality Policy is reviewed annually and communicated to all employees and third parties.
- Quality is about trust. Each and every one of us has the power to influence this trust through the quality of our Services and through our passion and leadership.
- Customer-Focused Organization
- Leadership
- Involvement of People
- Process Approach
- System Approach to Management
- Continual Improvement
- Factual Approach to Decision Making
- Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationships

Health & Safety Policy
We, at Chemie-Tech, take the Health and Safety aspect of our business very seriously and it is always our top priority to ensure that we are able to provide a healthy and safe environment for our workforce. Our HSE management system places emphasis on continuous improvement and integration of HSE aspects in every business endeavor with a proactive approach.
We have a well-established HSE structure, which emphasizes, that our safety rests with each of us irrespective to who we are and what role do we play. It is because of this, why we treat HSE as a corporate philosophy and not just a policy. The objective of our HSE Management System is to help the line management in preventing any incidents resulting in injuries, environmental damage or adverse health effects to the employees and others associated with the projects. We, through our Top Management, provides strong leadership to ensure that tour commitment is translated into resources which develop, operate and maintain the company’s HSE Management System and assist us in attaining policy objectives on a continuous basis.
Our well-established HSE department with qualified, trained & experienced staff is responsible for ensuring compliance and periodically review’s all aspects of HSE Management System covering entire organizational activities. With this integrated HSE Management system, we implement the most stringent international HSE standards setting benchmarks for other to follow.
Environment PolicyWe are an EPC Group delivering Projects and Services in the Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Sectors in chosen markets across the globe.
We are committed to protecting environment by minimizing pollution & waste and optimize fuel consumption and resource utilization for continual improvement in our environmental conservation. ECO-efficient technologies shall be promoted. We shall comply with all applicable statutory environmental requirements.
Alcohol and Drugs PolicyWe are an EPC Group delivering Projects and Services in the Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Sectors in chosen markets across the globe.
We are committed to promote a workplace free from alcohol, drugs and substance abuse.
Entry of employees under the influence of alcohol is prohibited at work place and a breach shall be subjected to strict disciplinary action.
Community Affairs PolicyWe are an EPC Group delivering Projects and Services in the Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Sectors in chosen markets across the globe.
We are committed to respect local customs, traditions and maintain security and political neutrality.
At all times, we shall strive to fulfill the ethical, legal and public expectation of society.
Occupational Health and Safety PolicyWe are an EPC Group delivering Projects and Services in the Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Sectors in chosen markets across the globe.
We are committed to ensuring that no harm shall be caused to our employees and sub-contractors. Internationally accepted best practices shall be adopted by complying with applicable HSE statutory and other requirements. To ensure continual improvement, all hazards shall be identified, associated risks shall be evaluted and respective compliance measures shall be duly adopted, implemented and monitored. We encourage our stakeholders to adopt OH&S activities as an integral part of the business.
Quality PolicyWe are an EPC Group delivering Projects and Services in the Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Sectors in chosen markets across the globe.
CHEMIE TECH committed to:
- The Quality of services and products to the utmost satisfaction of Customers
- Continual improvement on Quality management System
In order to achieve this we will:
- Ensure that commitment to Quality remains fundamental and paramount to all aspects of the business
- Identify and meet the needs of Customers
- Striving to meet all national and international requirements and Quality Standards
- Improve competency level of employees by training
- Safeguarding the environment and protection of employee's health and safety
We are an EPC Group delivering Projects and Services in the Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Sectors in chosen markets across the globe.
We are committed to providing appropriate security measures for ensuring the well-being of lives and property of all stakeholders including important records, documents and sensitive information.
Security consciousness among our workforce shall be promoted through continual induction and orientation programmes.